Event planners are the backbone of every event and work tirelessly behind the scenes to execute the event of their client’s dreams and desires. We have crafted five special gifts for an event planner and their busy schedules to support their hard work. These gifts will help them to stay organized, efficient, and help them wind down after a long day of planning!
Yearly Personalized Planner
A yearly personalized planner is a great gift to help your event planner stay organized and chic. All About Planners offers “5 Planner Companies That Will Make A Completely Custom Planner For You” to help you personalize a planner. However, if personalizing a planner seems too challenging, check out this New York Times article on “Our Favorite Paper Planners.”
Stylish Notebook or Clipboard
Notebooks and clipboards are essential for event planners. Whether they are used for organization, meetings, plans, ideas, walk-throughs, and the event itself, notebooks and clipboards are always handy. Why not have them be stylish! Our team loves this one!
Reusable Travel Coffee Cup
For the office or on the go, a reusable travel coffee cup is a perfect gift to keep them hydrated or caffeinated on busy work days. To help pick, Vogue gives “20 Vogue Editors Share Their Favorite Reusable Coffee Cups and Travel Mugs” for recommendations of a reusable travel coffee cup.
Custom Cocktail / Wine Glasses
Custom cocktail or wine glasses are the perfect gift for your event planner to help them unwind after a long day of planning. Adding their initials or company name and logo is a fun gift that has a personalized touch to it. This one is a classic look that we love!
Custom Thank You Cards
Custom thank you cards not only give the gift a personal touch, but also provide a sense of ownership to your event planner when sending out thank you cards to family, friends, or clients. Paper Source is a great option for this and this simple, but elegant option is a great choice!
Our team would love any of these five special gifts for an event planner. And we know the rest of our vendor community would too. We hope this has helped give you some ideas if you’re in the market for one of these gifts!
Be sure to check out last week’s blog on summer wedding tips!